Soft Robotics, photo : Anna Schaeffner

CLUSTER 3 - Co-situated Collective Interactivity Using Handheld Smartphones
EnsadLab (Ensad - Paris) joins the MetaLab of SAT (Montreal-QC) for a research and creation module around their tools dedicated to interactive art creation. LivePose, a software for detecting human bodies from a video stream, and Mobilizing.js, a tool for creating co-sited collective interactivity using smartphones, will be used together for the first time. The aim is to question the possible relations between "bare" hands and hands equipped with a smartphone. Which hand will take control over the other? How can mobile screens encourage the production of a gesture, but also account for the realization of this gesture, especially with several participants?
Anaëlle Sermanson
Heather Kelley
Photo : Alejandro Escamilla

Dominique Cunin
[Ensad - Paris]
Dominique Cunin is an artist, doctor in Aesthetics, Sciences and Technology of Arts (Paris 8). He is a researcher in the research laboratory of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris (EnsadLab), and a teacher at the École Supérieure d'Art et Design de Valence, specializing in the use of digital media and mobile screens. His approach to programming and interactivity in art has led him to develop different tools for artistic creation in his practice and teaching. His artistic work is interested in the possibilities of representation and apprehension of space and buildings through digital image technologies.
Emmanuel DURAND
Codirecteur Metalab-SAT [CA]
Emmanuel Durand holds a PhD in computer graphics from Arts et Métiers ParisTech (2013) and is the main contributor to the Splash software. He has an interest in everything related to 3D, photography and space.