Mene Savasta & Andrés Colubri (AR)
SAT - 7:30 PM
JUNE 11 - 15, 2019 Montreal, Canada
Espacio de Datos is a site-specific, immersive audiovisual installation, consisting of a fulldome projection and a spatialized audio track. The motivation for this piece is the emergence of new observational devices (interactive visualization, dimensionality reduction) that allow us to explore vast data spaces and discover new information structures.
These structures can be interpreted as "data asterisms", a generalization of celestial constellations in the night sky, formed by abstract data points and their statistical correlations in scientific datasets.
Mene Savasta is an argentinian sound artist, musician and Art History researcher. She works in the intersection of sound, light, and spaces, combining the abstract with the concrete in her poetics. Improvisation and site specificity find a counterpart in a technical refinement that includes sound mixing and hardware design for multichannel installation, apart from light and space design. Her production oscillates between the contemporary art world and the popular music scenario, sometimes acting as a messenger between those social spaces. Her solo album, Campo Cercano, has been presented as a sound and light live performance since its release in 2016. She also participates in many musical projects and has performed in Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, USA, Canada and Germany. Her installations have been exhibited at Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires, Ars Electronica 2013 (Linz, Austria), Espacio Fundación Telefónica (Bs.As.), Pure Evil Gallery (London), among others.
Andrés Colubri is an artist and scientist who works in the visualization and modeling of biomedical data. He studied mathematics at the Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, and later obtained a master's degree in fine arts from the Department of Design and Media Arts at the University of California, Los Angeles. His artistic work is rooted in performance and inspired by this scientific research. He has contributed to different open source projects in bioinformatics, data visualization, and computer arts, including the Processing programming environment, where he is the core developer of the 3D renderer and several libraries (video, Syphon, planetarium for dome projection, etc.), and lead of the Processing for Android project.