BIAN 2014 - MAY 01 TO JULY 19
The 2nd edition of the International Digital Art Biennial (BIAN).
Wallonia-Brussels Federation was the guest of honor for this BIAN 2014 edition. The1st International Digital Art Biennial (BIAN) in 2012 made us aware of how ubiquitous the digital had become in every sphere of our lives. PHÉNOMÈNES/PHENOMENA highlighted the all-knowing, almost magical character of the digital.
"For this second edition of the BIAN, I have chosen a two part theme. PHYSICAL/ITÉ is an opportunity to tackle two very current ideas: the place of the body and the return of the material in relation to the digital.PHYSICAL is an invitation to revisit our intimacy with machines and to reflect on the ways in which they are becoming extensions of our senses. In fact, we now need to redefine and relearn how we coexist with technology in order to see this not so much as an interaction but rather as an interrelation. PHYSICAL/ITÉ allows us to see and hear algorithms, to render material the immaterial and to visualize the invisible. This emphasis on the return of the physical, on materiality and objecthood is reflected more broadly in, for example, the Internet of things and the rise of hacker, DIY and Maker/Fab Lab cultures" – Alain Thibault, Artistic Director.
The 2nd edition of the International Digital Art Biennial :
- More than 50 000 visitors
- 31 locations
- 59 partners :
12 governmental and institutional partners
37 cultural partners
18 media partners
14 collaborators and sponsors
2 touristic partners
- 87 guest artists :
62 artists from Québec and Canada
25 international artists
Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon – Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal
McLaren – Mur à Mur – Façades du Quartier des spectacles
Saucier & Heys – Agora Hydro-Québec
Hee Won Lee – Cinémathèque québécoise
Étienne Grenier – Centre Turbine and Cinémathèque québécoise
Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni – VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine
Chris Salter – Fonderie Darling, Department of Design and Computation Arts at Concordia University and Phi Center
Samuel St-Aubin – MDC Marie-Uguay
TeZ – Boîte noire and Hexagram-Concordia
Patrick Saint-Denis – MDC Pointe-aux-Trembles, École des arts visuels et médiatiques UQÀM et MDC Frontenac
Ælab – Centre Phi
Robyn Moody – Centre Phi
Kerstin Ergenzinger – OBORO
Zoe Bacchus – Studio XX
Ryoji Ikeda – Musée d’art contemporain and Hexagram
Emmanuel Lagrange Paquet – MDC de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
Line Nault – MDC Plateau-Mont-Royal
HeHe – Galerie B-312
Kerstin Ergenzinger – Goethe-Institut
IvanovStoeva – MDC de Côte-des-Neiges
//////////fur//// – Goethe-Institut
Alexander Wilson – Verticale, centre d’artistes au métro Montmorency
Manuel Chantre – MDC Ahuntsic-Cartierville
Lynn Hughes, Jean Dubois – Librairie Formats
Projet EVA – Esplanade de la Place des Arts
Art-Act – Centre des arts actuels Skol
Erin Sexton, Darsha Hewitt, Ally Mobbs, Christian Faubel – Eastern Bloc
Jean-Ambroise Vesac – Maison culturelle et communautaire Montréal-Nord
Herman Kolgen and David Letellier – Place des Festivals
La nouvelle Alliance – Musée d’art contemporain
Physical/ité – Musée d’art contemporain
Hedonistika – Musée d’art contemporain
Claire Assal, Cécile Cattiaux, Sarah Chabrier – Place des Arts, Espace culturel Georges-Émile Lapalme Audiotopie – Maison Pierre-Chartrand (Bureau administratif de la maison de la culture de Rivière-des-prairies)
La Nouvelle alliance – table ronde/round table – Centre Phi
Bérengère L. Marin-Dubuard – Société des arts technologiques
Collectif Agit P.O.V. – Rues de Montréal
Journée d’étude : Arts numériques : réactivation du projet moderne ? – Carrefour des arts et des sciences de l’Université de Montréal
Art Num (2e edition) – Carrefour des arts et des sciences de l’Université de Montréal
Samuel St-Aubin – MDC Côte-des-Neiges

BIAN 2014 | ROBYN MOODY (AB-CA) WAVE INTERFERENCE.Exposition PHYSICAL/ITÉ, commissaire ALAIN THIBAULT / PHYSICAL/ITÉ exhibition, curator ALAIN THIBAULT. MUSÉE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE MONTRÉAL. 23 mai au 1er juin 2014 / May 23 to June 1, 2014.

BIAN 2014 | Exposition PHYSICAL/ITÉ, commissaire ALAIN THIBAULT / PHYSICAL/ITÉ exhibition, curator ALAIN THIBAULT. MUSÉE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE MONTRÉAL. 23 mai au 1er juin 2014 / May 23 to June 1, 2014.

BIAN 2014 | ROBYN MOODY (AB-CA) WAVE INTERFERENCE.Exposition PHYSICAL/ITÉ, commissaire ALAIN THIBAULT / PHYSICAL/ITÉ exhibition, curator ALAIN THIBAULT. MUSÉE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE MONTRÉAL. 23 mai au 1er juin 2014 / May 23 to June 1, 2014.