Drinkbot Dress
ICRA 2019: Robots and Art Program
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
May 20-24, 2019 Montreal, Canada
May 21
9:45 - 10:30 am: keynote - Robotic dresses and emotional interfaces
6:30 pm: Drinkbot Dress presentation
Anouk started her fashion education at the age of 14. Her interest in fashion lies in exploring the extent to which we experience fashion (emotional, intellectual and sensual aspects) and how we might be able to accomplish a higher state of connectivity between the body and our clothing. By specializing herself in fashion & technology she started to create little stories about a world where people are looking for both a physical as a psychological connection with their garments, and to design towards this feeling by combining different platforms that can trigger our behavior.
Through this fascination she started experimenting with combining fashion and technology. She moved for a year to Sweden for the study "body, fashion & technology" at the Malmo university where she worked on Arduino-based application possibilities and smart fabric concepting. Later, she gained deeper knowledge of the fashiontech field by assisting Sabine Seymour in Vienna, Austria. In 2010, she graduated at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, where she collaborated with Aduen Darriba (interaction designer) on the project Technosensual.
Drinkbot Dress
Drinkbot Dress is a robotic cocktail dress designed to serve a mini-cocktail shots of Gin & Tonic. Created during her collaboration for Cirque du Soleil's restaurant 'Heart Ibiza' in Ibiza, Spain.
The 3D printed backpiece holds a microcontroller, and a peristaltic pump, allowing the liquid to flow through by the push of a button while the shot glass is balanced by the heart-shaped front-piece printed in 3D.
Anouk Wipprecht offers tutorials to create your own Robotic Cocktail Dress on Instructables.com. Where she open sourced design files, code and a DIY!